Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 2009

I am a new blogger so please forgive me! 

There is so much I'd like to talk about but I will try to be short to avoid boring everyone to death. I am graduating from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia on the 21st of this month, sharing this moment with the best people I have ever met- students, teachers, and friends. 

Our Senior show, "The Ely" hung on March 24th, was such a tremendous success! I am so proud of my fellow classmates and I feel honored to have worked with everyone from the Senior Illustration Department, you will all be fabulous and successful and I hope to remain very close to all of you after school ends. 

I had such a pleasant evening spent with a few Temple students who I worked with in March and April for a magazine that comes out with the Temple News called, Fourteenth Street Magazine. Check them out at

Everyone who made it to the party at the Raven's Lounge were so sweet and kind, thank you for having me! My buddy Steve Streisguth did the cover illustrations for both issues. Working with that magazine was such a good learning experience, it makes me very excited for the beginning of my career as a free-lance illustrator.

Dating by the Stars
14th Street Magazine (April)

Fox Hunting
14th Street Magazine (May)

I am still crossing my fingers to graduate but apparently it's happening in a matter of days. I am so ready to be done with school, I can't wait to start this new life of freedom and friends....and money wouldn't hurt. Ha. Also, Portfolio Day is coming up! This is our chance to show New York what's up. Are you ready? 
Check it out at

Happy May everybody.